Danger signs: Frequent headaches. What kind of headaches. Should you see a doctor immediately?

If you are someone who doesn’t sleep well abnormally nearsightedness or farsightedness and regularly taking certain medications or having chronic headaches Don’t be complacent until it becomes a big issue. Headache or headache is the most common illness. It is a popular disease among people of all genders and ages. At the same time, it also creates a lot of suffering for those who have it. Headaches can cause by many factors. Report from ยูฟ่าเบท
Both factors within the brain, external factors.
Each part of pain can separate into many types of diseases. In order to prepare for health care Therefore, we should know about the most common types of headaches. As a guideline for taking care of yourself to keep yourself away from headaches. And don’t let yourself have chronic headaches.
Groups that should be especially careful if they have headaches include people who have acute headaches that they have never had before. This can happen to all genders and all ages, the elderly 50 years and up, people with congenital diseases such as breast cancer, and patients infected with AIDS.
The causes of headaches can divide into 2 main causes:
1. Headaches that originate from the brain,
such as a brain tumor. brain hemorrhage abnormally increased brain pressure Meningitis, etc., Can detected through a physical examination of the brain. Take patient history Details of the headache Nature of pain and severity. When clear indications are found, further examination may done using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), brain computer scan (CT Scan), or cerebrospinal fluid sampling to further determine the cause of the disease.
2. No clear cause found
- Tension type headaches are the most common type of headache. It often occurs in people. Who stressed, tired, or working hard. The pain is usually tight or tight on both sides of the head and neck. The pain is usually mild to moderate in intensity. This may be accompanied by muscle pain in the head, neck, and shoulders. This type of pain is not worsene by daily activities. And there is usually no accompanying nausea or vomiting.
- Migraine headaches are a common disease. Often misdiagnose. This disease is often found in women of working age. The nature of the pain usually causes moderate to severe headaches. This pain can worsene by external stimuli such as light, sound or smell. Some patients often experience nausea and vomiting. Most migraines last 4 hours or more. In some patients, pain may last for up to 3 days.
- Cluster headaches are a rare disease. But it can cause suffering if not properly diagnosed and treated. This type of pain occurs more often in men than in women. There is often a pain that is so severe that it makes the patient restless. It usually occurs immediately. The duration of the pain is approximately 15 minutes to 3 hours. The location of the pain is usually around the eyes or in the temple area. Often unilateral The patient will have symptoms of a nervous system. Parasympathetic symptoms such as red eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, and sweating on the side of the face that has a headache.
- Chronic daily headache: Patients with this type usually have chronic pain more than 15 days per month for at least 3 months. Patients may have tension-type pain or migraine-type pain. But patients will have more chronic symptoms. In this group of patients, some may have headaches from overuse of medication. Which is cause by buying medicine to take by yourself Frequent use of painkillers. This causes more and more chronic pain. There are also other causes that can cause headaches, such as sinusitis. Stroke Subarachnoid hemorrhage, cancer, etc. Diagnosis requires taking a history. Thorough physical examination Including additional examinations such as an MRI, etc., to help diagnose and exclude dangerous diseases.
headache treatment
Guidelines for treating headaches and detecting pathology of various diseases. Doctors will administer treatment base. What is found, such as a brain tumor. Aortic aneurysm Surgery may be required, for example, in cases of headaches that do not cause harm. If no pathology is found Doctors will treat according to symptoms. There are several methods including..
- Treat with painkillers Muscle relaxants or antidepressants along with advice on how to behave to avoid stimulants
- Injections to treat pain by blocking nerves are widely use in treating headaches in foreign countries. effective and can reduce pain quickly. It can relieve many types of headaches, such as migraines, cluster headaches, and headaches from using painkillers.
- Injections reduce nerve function. And migraine injections with Botox also help block nerve endings that send pain signals to the brain. In order to prevent it from causing symptoms It can help reduce the severity and frequency of headaches.
- Physical therapy, massage, stretching
When you have unusual headache, don’t complacent.
You should see a doctor to check for the cause in detail with a program to detect the cause of headaches. A complete examination can done to accurately analyze symptoms. Such as checking the completeness of blood cells. Check kidney function Liver function test Check triglyceride levels in the blood. Check blood fat levels (Good fats) Check blood fat levels (bad fats). Tests that indicate inflammation. Check blood sugar levels